Town of Bear Creek Meeting Minutes
November 12 th , 2024The meeting was called to order at 7:02 P.M. by Behnke. Opening statement was read byChairman Behnke. Present was Behnke, Supervisors Darold Seefeldt and Pat Huss, TreasurerMary Heling, Clerk Theresa Huss. The agenda was approved on a motion from Huss andseconded by Behnke. October’s meeting minutes were read and approved by Huss andseconded by Seefeldt. The Budget Hearing Special Meeting Minutes were read and approvedby Benke and seconded by Seefeldt.
Citizens Forum – nothing
Clerks report – There were 477 voters that showed for the General Election out of 603 eligibleregistered voters. There were 55 new registered voters.
Fire Dept – Bear Creek had 2 calls with 1 being mutual aid to Mother Goose Day Care. Therewere 3 false alarm calls for Bear Creek. No information was received from the Clintonville FireDepartment. The Bear Creek Contract was reviewed by the board and a motion was made tosign the contract as read approved by Huss and seconded by Seefeldt for the year 2025. TheBear Creek Fire Truck Committee was going to make another inspection on the new fire truck.
Ambulance – Behnke attended the meeting on October 28 th . They needed approval to get snowplowing completed for the winter and that will be done by Behnke Excavating. A tire on 881 blewout and needed to be fixed. They approved the proposed budget. They had a spaghetti dinnerfundraiser last weekend and they raised $198 at the fall frenzy. There is still water seeping intothe building. They were able to get someone else to seal the block. There is a need for a cybersecurity tech program. They went into closed session to discuss hiring someone for the Directorposition.
Roads – The 3 culverts on Bear Creek Road have been completed. Behm’s mowing bill wasdiscussed. The hwy dept will complete patching on the roads this fall, yet. Bids for LRIP will startnext spring.
Constable – nothing
Comp Planning – agenda for the WTA meeting discussed as they will be addressing compplanning.
Zoning – nothing
Treasurer report – read and conversation about having a clerk/treasurer report to read at nextmeeting.
Motion to adjourn at 7:59 P.M. first by Behnke and seconded by Huss.
Theresa Huss, Clerk
Town of Bear Creek Special Board Meeting
Thursday, October 24 th , 2024
This special town board meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Behnke. Opening
statement was read by Chairman Behnke. Present was Behnke, Supervisors Darold Seefeldt
and Pat Huss, and Clerk Theresa Huss. The agenda was approved on a motion from Seefedt
and seconded by Behnke.
Citizens Forum- nothing
Clerk Report – Need to get the tax flyer insert figured out as the County Treasurer’s office is
looking for it to be completed by the first week of November. Suggestions for information on the
Dog licenses, firework permits, town website, burn permits and town hall rentals be added to the
flyer. Clerk to work with the county to get that completed.
Road work- Discussion about completing 3 culverts prior to winter on Bear Creek Road.
Estimate reviewed and clerk will discuss with the county hwy staff if one of those would be
eligible for the culvert grant. Motion made approved by Huss and seconded by Seefeldt.
Discussion was had about re-doing the culvert on Island Road. That will be tabled until next
years road inspection.
Town levy discussion about the presentation for our elector meeting on October 31 st . The board
wants handouts created to show the past several years expenses, one that shows how much
the 30% increase will affect the tax increase per $100,000 value of a property, a sheet that
explains future expenses with the fire trucks, subsidy’s, ambulance, road work and another
sheet on how the town board has tried to bring money into the town for revenues.
Motion made to adjourn the meeting at 8:43 P.M. first by Seefeldt, second by Huss.
Theresa Huss, Clerk
Town of Bear Creek Meeting Minutes
October 13th, 2024
The special town board meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Behnke. Opening statement was read by Chairman Behnke. Present was Behnke, Supervisors Darold Seefeldt and Pat Huss, Clerk Theresa Huss, and Diane Yatzek. The agenda was approved on a motion from Seefeldt and seconded by Behnke.
Citizens Forum – nothing
Discussion about adopting a resolution to suggest an increase in the levy 30% which is a total of $58,184. Motion was made and approved by Huss and seconded by Seefeldt.
Discussion about adopting a resolution of how long the increase should be. A motion was made for it to be ongoing, and it was approved by Behnke and seconded by Huss.
Date set for a special board meeting to put the presentation together for the elector meeting on Thursday, October 24th at 7:30 P.M. Date set for the elector meeting on October 31st at 7 P.M. on a motion approved by Behnke and seconded by Seefeldt
Meeting adjourned at 7:25 P.M.
Town Board Meeting
The meeting was called to order at 7:26 P.M. by Behnke. The agenda was approved on a motion from Seefeldt and seconded by Huss. September’s meeting minutes were read and approved by Huss and seconded by Seefeldt, with corrections (grandparent’s-in-laws).
Citizens Forum – nothing
Solid Waste and Recycle – Doug attended the meeting and received the paperwork of the township charges for 2025 that have gone up in price.
Clerk report – Discussion on the elections for November. Clerk still looking for 1 more person to help on November 5th as the election extra. Flyer for the tax bill needs to be completed if we want to do one. Table to the next meeting.
Fire – no calls for Clintonville into BC and no call for Bear Creek.
Ambulance – they approved $500 for Pigeon River artist to complete a mural. They are working on compliance training. They did flu clinic in September. They had 125 calls in August. 881 is out of the shop and back on the road. Tires were replaced on the second unit.
Roads – Behm is ½ way done with mowing the ditches. The culverts on Blueberry are almost done, they just need to be paved. Ken Baierl gave Doug the contact information for DOT about the speed concerns by the up-and-coming Dollar General store.
Constable – 1 lost dog but he was able to find the owner.
Comp plan/Zoning – Doug asked about the CSM for the Obermeier property, and it is not completed.
Treasurer report – none
Monthly bills presented and paid
Motion to adjourn at 8:08p.m. approved by Huss, seconded by Seefeldt
Theresa Huss, Clerk
Town of Bear Creek Meeting MinutesJune 10th, 2024
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Behnke. Opening statement was read by Chairman Behnke. Present was Behnke, Supervisor Darold Seefeldt, Treasurer Heling, Clerk Huss and Diane Yatzeck. The agenda was approved on a motion from Behnke and seconded by Seefeldt. May’s meeting minutes were read and approved by Seefeldt and seconded by Behnke.Citizens Forum – Diane Yatzeck stated she was just there to listen.Clerk Report – Discussion on the website. The motion was made and approved by Behnke and seconded by Seefeldt to use as the Town of Little Wolf does with an approximate fee of $175/year. Clerk to get it set up. Insurance update – still waiting for a bid from Johnson Insurance out of Waupaca. ARPA money updates – All ARPA money has been accounted for and used on the Bell Corner Road. We will need to have a special meeting in September to amend the budget with the money we received from the dump truck accident and then have a town meeting afterwards. The computer program Wis Star for a one-time price of $800 available for the clerk to assist with forms, annual report, etc. was approved on a motion from Seefeldt and seconded by Behnke. Propane for the town hall – Seefeldt to get bids in July. Clerk to present the last year’s payments for reference. Fire – Per report reviewed by Behnke, Clintonville had no calls into Bear Creek. Supervisor Huss to fill in at the July meeting.Ambulance – Meeting on May 20th. They had the elections for officers for the city of Marion and Clintonville and everyone elected in were the same as before. The price for the new ambulance should be around $166,284. It averages out to $13.40/person. It will be built in January 2025 and should be ready by April,2025. There were 91 calls in April. They are sending ambulance 881 to be rebuilt.Roads – Discussion was had on the LRIP and what roads to be done when. Table until the July meeting. Culverts to be replaced in 2025. Discussion of replacing culverts on Blueberry and Pleasant View in July. Behnke to talk to Hank at the Hwy dept. Behm’s mowing bid was approved on a motion from Seefeldt and seconded by Behnke. Clerk to call and confirm the price and ask them to complete mowing for the 1-year contract term. The electrical permit was signed for Jim Rohan.Constable – No reportComp Planning – Meeting to happen on July 1st at 6:30 p.m. with Ran and the Panning commission board. Fire number was received for Dave Rohan and new signs are needed for other residents. Behnke to order.Renew liquor license – motion to approve the OCS and Bear Creek Lions liquor license for the term 7/1/2024-6/30/2025. Motion was made an approved by Behnke and seconded by Seefeldt.Discussion was had on joining TAC. A motion was made to join for the 2024-2025 term and approved by Behnke and seconded by Seefeldt.Treasurer – Finances reviewedBills presented and paid.Meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m. on a motion by Seefeldt and seconded by Behnke
Theresa Huss, Clerk
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Behnke. Opening statement was read by Chairman Behnke. Present was Behnke, Supervisor Darold Seefeldt, Treasurer Heling, Clerk Huss and Diane Yatzeck. The agenda was approved on a motion from Behnke and seconded by Seefeldt. May’s meeting minutes were read and approved by Seefeldt and seconded by Behnke.Citizens Forum – Diane Yatzeck stated she was just there to listen.Clerk Report – Discussion on the website. The motion was made and approved by Behnke and seconded by Seefeldt to use as the Town of Little Wolf does with an approximate fee of $175/year. Clerk to get it set up. Insurance update – still waiting for a bid from Johnson Insurance out of Waupaca. ARPA money updates – All ARPA money has been accounted for and used on the Bell Corner Road. We will need to have a special meeting in September to amend the budget with the money we received from the dump truck accident and then have a town meeting afterwards. The computer program Wis Star for a one-time price of $800 available for the clerk to assist with forms, annual report, etc. was approved on a motion from Seefeldt and seconded by Behnke. Propane for the town hall – Seefeldt to get bids in July. Clerk to present the last year’s payments for reference. Fire – Per report reviewed by Behnke, Clintonville had no calls into Bear Creek. Supervisor Huss to fill in at the July meeting.Ambulance – Meeting on May 20th. They had the elections for officers for the city of Marion and Clintonville and everyone elected in were the same as before. The price for the new ambulance should be around $166,284. It averages out to $13.40/person. It will be built in January 2025 and should be ready by April,2025. There were 91 calls in April. They are sending ambulance 881 to be rebuilt.Roads – Discussion was had on the LRIP and what roads to be done when. Table until the July meeting. Culverts to be replaced in 2025. Discussion of replacing culverts on Blueberry and Pleasant View in July. Behnke to talk to Hank at the Hwy dept. Behm’s mowing bid was approved on a motion from Seefeldt and seconded by Behnke. Clerk to call and confirm the price and ask them to complete mowing for the 1-year contract term. The electrical permit was signed for Jim Rohan.Constable – No reportComp Planning – Meeting to happen on July 1st at 6:30 p.m. with Ran and the Panning commission board. Fire number was received for Dave Rohan and new signs are needed for other residents. Behnke to order.Renew liquor license – motion to approve the OCS and Bear Creek Lions liquor license for the term 7/1/2024-6/30/2025. Motion was made an approved by Behnke and seconded by Seefeldt.Discussion was had on joining TAC. A motion was made to join for the 2024-2025 term and approved by Behnke and seconded by Seefeldt.Treasurer – Finances reviewedBills presented and paid.Meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m. on a motion by Seefeldt and seconded by Behnke
Theresa Huss, Clerk